False Prophets Have A Lying Spirit

God sends his servants to speak through Him, although we must be on our toes for many false prophets, like in Mormonism, are out in wolves clothing deceiving millions of people throughout the generations.

False Vs True Teachings On How To Get to Heaven

Here are three false scenarios on how to go to heaven. #1 There are many ways to heaven. #2 All people that have died can go to heaven. #3 Belief in Christ saves us, so no life change is necessary is so wrong.

Mixing The World Into Church

Anybody who teaches their children about Santa Claus is not following Jesus. Those in Christ don’t teach lies to their kids.

The Fall Of Lucifer

God also spoke unto Isaiah regarding the fall of the person we know as the devil, from heaven and onto the earth.

A Royal Priesthood

Because you have decided to not just believe but follow Jesus, the Lord has awakened you from your sleep, in order for you to know greater things.

Do You Believe In The Gospel?

So let’s examine what the gospel is in the Bible, and if you are interested to know where it is defined, you can find these verses in 1 Corinthians, chapter 15.

Follow Jesus And Not Prophets

Since Jesus is our mediator to the Father we can come to Him specifically in prayer, and no longer have to go through a man any longer for answers.

Jesus Said To Not Recite Prayers

As we discussed above, I could stop here and say that Catholics are the only ones that have issues repeating prayers, but that is not the case.

The Last Prophesy Of Revelation

After getting such an amazing description of the New Jerusalem, which is on the new Earth, it is easy to blown away by all of this.

False Teachings In Mormonism

There should be only one decision to make and that is to follow Jesus and what He taught in the Bible and no longer follow after the doctrines of men.

False Teachers Among Us

Please know that God is not a God of confusion. That is why he spoke to men throughout the Bible and taught them the right way to live their lives and to obey the Lord God.

Fellowship In The Church

Truly a church that is on fire for the Lord are also church goers who are loving on, encouraging, praying for, and doing what they can to help one another.

To Know God’s Way More Perfectly

Please know that it is not the person that God hates but every wrong way. This includes ever false teaching, belief, doctrine and sin in this world.

Joseph Smith And His Life Of Polygamy

In order to know the truth of Joseph Smith or expose him for what he really is, we will look at four things that stem from his practice of polygamy that easily proves that fact.

Doing Good On The Sabbath

Jesus knew the evil intentions of the Pharisees and did not approve of their murmurings, one to another.

The Mormon Church Is False

The Mormon Church is false. Every Christian needs to know this, in order to not be deceived themselves and to know how to witness to them

Examining 3 False Beliefs In Mormonism

So let’s see if we can piece this all together for everyone to understand. Again Mormons state that Jesus and Lucifer are brothers but the Bible is clear that Jesus is His and our creator.

The Bible Is God’s Word

Because people cannot always be trusted, do not let them tell you that God’s Word is also found outside the Bible, in other books.

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