
Worship Jesus

One thing that is very important about our faith in Jesus is that we are also worshippers of our Lord and king. We do this willingly, for we love Him. This might be a foreign concept for some of you, for many people have been taught that only the Father deserves our praise and worship. However, what I will discuss with you today is what the disciples did and what Paul also taught in scripture in regards to worshipping Jesus. To begin with, let’s look at the resurrection of Jesus in Matthew, chapter 28. When Jesus appeared unto Mary Magdalene and the mother of Jesus, this is what happened. “And as they went to tell his disciples, behold, Jesus met them, saying, All hail. And they came and held him by the feet, and worshipped him.” (Matthew 28:9) And also the disciples did the very same thing when they saw Jesus. “Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, into a mountain where Jesus had appointed them. And when they saw him, they worshipped him: but some doubted.” (Matthew 28:16,17) So after Jesus was resurrected, each person that saw him desired to worship Him. This is because they could now see Him as God in the flesh. And because they always desired to worship God, they now knew that Jesus deserved that same respect. And even now we have many believers that continue to worship Jesus. We may not see Him as they did, but this has not changed our devotion to our Lord, Jesus, who is our Savior.

As I just mentioned, Jesus was worshipped by many people after His resurrection, for they finally saw Him as God. However, as much as I would love to say that every believer in Jesus worships Him now, that is simply not the truth. You see, we have many religions out there that either only worship the Father, or worship Mary more so than Jesus. This is common in Mormonism with worshiping only the Father, and common in Catholicism with worshipping Mary more so than Jesus. You see, as a Catholic they have a thing called the rosary, and on that necklace, there are more prayers to Mary than Jesus. This is very wrong, for only God deserves our worship and praise and not a person. And what every person that doesn’t currently worship Jesus, including Mormons, don’t realize, is that in judgment Jesus will be known as the King of kings and Lord of lords. Then, will they all bow down at His feet in worship. It is written, “that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” (Philippians 2:10,11) Therefore, we can confess that Jesus is Lord now and bow down before Him in this life in worship and praise. This is unto salvation. However, waiting until after death is unto destruction. Even hellfire and damnation to the soul. Therefore, don’t delay and be found worshiping Jesus today.

Let us pray:
Oh Lord, I love and honor You. No matter what others may say, I come boldly to Your throne in worship and praise. Yes, Jesus, You are my King and I love You. Even now, do we come together and bow down before You. We confess our sins and that You are Lord. Only You have the power to save us from death and unto life. I have tried many different things, in order to find true happiness, and eventually, my eyes were opened. I discovered that love is only found in You. Nothing this world can offer me can ever replace the joy that I have found in You. Thank You, God, for coming down in the flesh and willfully dying for our sins. I am not worthy of Your sacrifice, and still, You have compassion over me, even to forgive a wretched sinner as I. Thank You for saving me from the destructive and sinful path that I was on and for placing me on Your righteous and holy path which leads to life. Surely, we cannot find the path which leads to heaven on our own, but only when You have come into our lives. Because I have decided to abide in You, You also abide in me. I am not left comfortless, for the Holy Spirit continually leading me also. I walk in newness of life, where there are new desires. Even my love for things have changed, for bringing joy into other people’s lives is where that joy comes from now. There are trials in life, but as long as other people are uplifted, prayed over, and cared for, I am more than happy. I love You, Jesus. Lead me this day and forever. Amen.

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