Temples: When You Realize You Are In A Cult
The ways of God are open to everyone and not kept secret. So what are people doing in Mormon temples, but keeping secrets?
The ways of God are open to everyone and not kept secret. So what are people doing in Mormon temples, but keeping secrets?
God does not approve of temples made with hands. That means everything that happens in the Mormon temples.
We believe that through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel.
Mormons believe that God’s one true church is with them and not in churches of Christianity. This is what the devil would want people to think.
Mormons are putting on their god hats when entering their temples and doing work for dead people.
Baptisms and other works for the dead are simply heresy. This is easily seen just by reading from the Book of Revelation.
Those who do proxy work for dead people are doing the works of Satan. He is thrilled with this type of work. God’s wrath is upon them.
Many people who claim to be religious have also bought into Satan’s lies. That they will become a god. We see this in Mormonism.
If you are a Christian and know your Bible, you will notice the majority of Mormon teachings are not Biblical but man made teachings.
The truth is, Jesus died for our sins, is the last high priest, leads His church on earth, and is the greater tabernacle.
With Jesus coming on the scene, He became our last High priest and better tabernacle. We have no more need for temples made with hands
Jesus is our better tabernacle. The Messiah and Savior to come. He came and died for our sins, taking away the need for earthly tabernacles.
What do men and women do during their endowment sessions in the Mormon temples? They put on Lucifer’s priesthoods.
There is no more priesthood given to man, for Jesus is our high priest. He is the only one who holds the priesthood.
The presence of God is no longer found in a building made with hands, but in us. We are now the temple of the living God.
The Bible teaches that the wicked die and go to hell. These people will suffer in fire and brimstone because they did not confide in God.
Mormon missionaries are deceiving millions of people. Satan has them under his control. They need to be stopped.
Every secret oath will come to light. No matter if people make blood oaths, God will have it be revealed upon the housetops.
It is an abomination to call upon dead people. This is called necromancy, which God frowns upon and also condemns.
God has warned us against calling upon dead people. They are called mediums, and will have their part in the lake of fire if they don’t repent.
Just because a person slaps God’s name on a building, it doesn’t mean that God approves of anything that happens therein.
Calling all Satanists, witches, atheists and those in false religions to come to Jesus. I don’t want you to go to hell.
It is important to die daily in the Lord. This means getting rid of things that are holding us back from serving Him completely.
Exaltation through man is not of God. Only God knows who will be exalted in due time, not corrupt people in false religions.
What takes place in Mormon temples are from Satan. God does not dwell therein, but condemns these evil places.
God is willing to save anyone, especially people who are trapped in cults. Jesus is the way out. There is no other way.
We are told to avoid keeping genealogies, for they only lead to needless questions. This is God’s will in the Bible, not mine.
Endless genealogies are not of God. This type of work only leads to more questions than answers, along with forming false beliefs.
False teachings come about when we learn from people, instead of learning from God and His Word, the Bible.
God does not dwell in temples made with hands. Therefore, building up a temple for God, as Mormons do, is wrong and uncalled for.