Mormons Are Fearful Of Knowing God’s Truth
Mormons come to many homes and share their message, but when we want to talk to them about the Bible they get upset and bolt.
Mormons come to many homes and share their message, but when we want to talk to them about the Bible they get upset and bolt.
There is a reason why Mormons doubt the validity of the Bible, and it comes from the Book of Mormon.
In this lost generation, the desire to call upon God is less and less. It is like people struggle to find any desire to pray.
Come to the Lord freely, having nobody pushing you along the path. In private, ask God to teach you His judgments.
Mormons are always encourged to read the Book of Mormon but never the Book of Mormon. Why is this?
Humble yourself like unto a child and ask God to help you understand His ways. Then You will learn what is true from His Word.
God is able to forgive those who walk after the commandments of men, but they must forsake their false beliefs first.
The Lord, our God, is lifted up and exalted. Other gods are man-made and cannot do anything to help us.
There are many mockers and scoffers. This can cause us to grieve, for people’s hearts are so hard hearted towards God.
It is sad when people teach things contrary to the Bible, what is of man and not of God, while causing God’s people to stumble.
Mormonism differs with Christianity in so many ways. They even disagree with core Christian doctrines.
Praise be to Jesus who died for our transgressions! Christ, the anointed Messiah, God, and King.
Jesus is our better tabernacle. The Messiah and Savior to come. He came and died for our sins, taking away the need for earthly tabernacles.
False witnesses hate what I am doing for God, in leading the lost to Jesus. They love smearing my name in the most vial fashion.
For someone to purposely alter the Bible and change what it says, that would make the person a false prophet.
The Lord, our God, has always been God. He is not an exalted being, but has been God since the beginning of time.
David is a man after God’s own heart. He is currently in paradise with the rest of the saints. We will rest there also one day.
Mormons extol Joseph Smith, while Christians extol the Lord. They praise a dead man, while we praise Jesus, who is alive.
There is one God that is from everlasting and never changes. They consist of the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit.
Calling all Satanists, witches, atheists and those in false religions to come to Jesus. Your unbelief, false beliefs, and/or wickedness will cause you to die in in your sins and go to hell lest you repent and come to Jesus.
Living for God allows you to open your mouth and have Him fill it. We are used mightily for God in this way.
Please know that God is not a God of confusion. That is why he spoke to men throughout the Bible and taught them the right way to live their lives and to obey the Lord God.
Many false teachings can come into a church, when new “so-called” revelation begins to override what the Bible teaches.
Because of the vast amount of churches, now a days, check their doctrines and teachings with the Bible.
Some people would rather keep believing something contrary to the Bible in order to not break up families and relationships.
We are so blessed to be led by the God of the heavens. I asked the people to cherish every day that they have to read it and pray to God often.
Know that if the Bible is teaching something contrary to your faith than there is something wrong with it and not the Book.