Utah Mission Trip (04/02/21)
God’s harvest is plentiful, but there are so few workers to reach everyone. Who will join me in reaching the lost?
God’s harvest is plentiful, but there are so few workers to reach everyone. Who will join me in reaching the lost?
This, being the last day in Utah, I give God thanks for this trip and for our conversation with a homeless man, near the Ogden Temple.
God guided our walk to talk with two young women at the Provo Temple. The discussions from the Holy Spirit and were amazing.
We witnessed to the homeless, where it was dangerous. However, we trusted in God for safety.
Witnessed to a Satanist, who committed to read the real Bible and not the Satanic Bible. Praise God
Come and worship Jesus, our Messiah. He is our Savior, Lord, God, and King. He deserves our praise.
We need men and women of God to get out of their comfort zone, in order to join us in this effort.
This was such an amazing encounter with Bess, who is homeless. As I was walking back to my car that day, I saw her and could not let her leave without giving her what she needed.
As we were going to continue walking, this other gentleman came up to us and said he was willing to answer any of our questions.
After we visited with these ladies, we left them and went our way down towards the two other visitors centers, one being the family history center.
After this experience with this man, I continued to preach the gospel to people that passed by me. They were coming and going from the conference center and it was a great time to witness the truths of the gospel to them.
Later, I was able to witness to a Mormon who was seeking God. Because he was ripe for the truth of God, we were able to share the truth about the cross, the gospel, prophets, temples, and other things.
Please pray for us, that there will be much fruit and that many souls will be saved. Praying that the Holy Spirit will light a fire in people’s hearts.
The God I know would not add to His words, the Bible. He would also not have another book that contradicts the Bible in so many ways.
What is true is the Jesus paid for our sins on the cross and not Gethsemane, as the Bible teaches. That Deacons are to have one wife like Bishops, as the Bible teaches.
Why is it that God cursed the white people of the Book of Mormon and caused them to have black skin when the God of the Bible doesn’t care about the outside appearance?
We shared the gospel of Jesus Christ with him, particularly the importance of the cross and how Jesus paid the price for our sins.
I pray that many people will come to faith and for those that have known God, will come back to Him. We give this trip to God.
As she was telling us her story, I knew that the Lord could help her. As these thoughts came into my mind, Chris asked if we could pray with her, which she accepted.
I continued to talk with the couple and explained that the Bible clearly states, in Revelation, that if you add or take away from God’s Word that your name will be removed from the Book of Life.
As we walked along the streets, many people took our handouts, including the Gospel of John and Gospel Tracks. Some people were not so interested but others were ever so grateful.
When Jesus died on the cross, He was the last offering for sin. We can now be forgiven by the blood of Jesus. After sharing this, he agreed upon this.
Upon arriving to their temple, I was energized to talk with as many people as I could. I invited everyone walking down the sidewalk to take the handout.
After preaching, I met this young man, who was with his friends. I asked him if he believed in Jesus Christ and he said no.
Most visitors left in their cars but some walked home. One young man came out of the temple and started walking on the sidewalk, near me.
After shaking hands with so many Mormons, we told them that we had a few questions about what was shared in class and they gladly answered them.
This night, something amazing happened that has never happened before. Two different people wanted additional gospel tracts to pass out to others.