Utah Mission Trip (10/13/17)

By the public train, we split up and started sharing the gospel with those that would listen. There I met this wonderful man.

Utah Mission Trip (10/12/17)

While talking with this man, Patrick brought up the fact that during the crucifixion of Jesus, the veil of the temple was ripped in half.

Preaching On Reading The Bible

We are so blessed to be led by the God of the heavens. I asked the people to cherish every day that they have to read it and pray to God often.

Preaching On Isaiah 53

One gentlemen stood there listening to the preaching, so I approached him. I asked if he was a follower of Jesus. His response was that he was Mormon.

Who Do You Follow?

Paul taught about people being divided in the faith. Some would say to him, “I am of Paul; and I of Apollos; and I of Cephas; and I of Christ.”

Endure To The End And Do Not Be Deceived

This is the time to make our lives right with the Lord. We must be familiar with what the Bible teaches or else we will be easily deceived by doctrines that resemble God’s Word.

Utah Mission Trip (05/07/17)

As the service got over, many people came to speak to us. They said, how grateful they were for us coming. They asked where we came from and we said Boise.

Utah Mission Trip (05/06/17)

As we walked back towards Temple Square we ended up seeing a lonely man at the entrance of the Temple Square. I could feel the Spirit telling us to talk with Him.

Evangelize: Poplar Street

Those in the faith of Jesus Christ are part of His body. We are all made up in the body of Christ and not a church building.

Evangelize: Butte Street

We encouraged these people to go church and listen to what their friend has to say about Jesus. That He is the way and we are only His messengers.

Idolatry In The Mormon Faith

Attending the Mormon Temple and doing ordinances there in is breaking God’s second commandment, “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image”.

Only One God

There are no other gods beside God, the Father. Cast aside any false teachings about God in your heart.

Evangelize: Post Street

The Lord led us further around the corner and the first house we knocked on was a very sweet lady. She opened the door and came right out to talk with us.

Heaven Or Hell?

I declare that there is a heaven and there is a hell. All those in heaven are in paradise with the Lord. All those in hell are suffering in fire and brimstone.

False Prophets

To follow any one but Christ alone leads to death. Our eyes must be opened to the Lord lest we fall into dark paths that don’t bear light.

The Bible Is True

Through reading the Bible we will know it is true. It is alive and God speaks through every each verse.

Call Out The Lost

Proclaim the truth to the Lost , like Jesus. Approaching them is not hurtful but loving.

Added To The Bible

Comparing the KJV and JST translations, seven was removed and twelve was replaced. Also, seven Spirits of God was removed and twelve servants was replaced.

Do Not Add To The Bible

Do not accept another gospel even if an angel preaches it. Do not listen to those that preach another Jesus outside the Bible.

No Marriage In Heaven

The Mormon Church teaches that people can be married for time and all eternity. Meaning their marriage will continue after this life.

God’s Word Is In The Bible

If any of you are following a religion that has beliefs outside the Bible I pray that you stop attending. No longer do things that feel comfortable to You but with God.

Believe In Jesus Of The Bible

What saddens me is that many people I’ve talked to are closed off to God’s Word. What they’ve learned throughout their life is more important than hearing the gospel of the Bible.

Beware Of False Prophets

In our day, there are many false prophets. They come as godly men but “but inwardly they are ravenous wolves”.

How I Came To Jesus

I learned that Joseph Smith had three versions of the first vision. That the Book of Abraham was found to be a false translation.

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