Mormons Eyes And Ears Are Closed Off To God
As Jesus said, Mormon people ignore what Christians want to share with them “lest at any time they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears.
As Jesus said, Mormon people ignore what Christians want to share with them “lest at any time they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears.
Mormons come preaching a false Jesus, apostasy, restoration, atonement, plan of salvation, pre-existence, and more. Satan is leading their charge.
Jesus told His disciples that the gates of hell would not prevail against His church. This means that it never fell into apostasy.
I bear witness that Joseph Smith was a false prophet sent from Satan. That the Book of Mormon is not of God, but of the devil.
In the early church, it was never taught to do baptisms for the dead, perform marriage sealings, and ordain people to the priesthood.
If someone hurts you, or does something wrong against you, go to him or her first in order to work things out.
Before you get the Mormon discussions, let me help you understand how these beliefs are false according to the Bible.
The truth of the matter is that very few if any Mormons will ever be saved. These people are so brainwashed.
Mormons teach that our Father in Heaven is Adam. How Adam is our Eternal Father, while Eve is mother, of whom gives birth to our spirits
Mormon Teachings are in opposition with the Bible Teachings. This is obvious when we see the teachings side by side.
“Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.” (Revelation 1:7 – KJV)
“For behold he cometh in the clouds with ten thousands of his saints in the kingdom, clothed with the glory of his Father. And every eye shall see him. And they who pierced him and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.” (Revelation 1:7 – JST)
The Mormon church says that Joseph Smith is the greatest of all prophets. See for yourself in their own official book of scripture
Where are the golden plates? Did they ever exist at all or was Joseph Smith really a con-man, of which lied about it?
The Book of Mormon states that Jesus was born in Jerusalem, where the Bible says in Bethlehem. The Bible is right.
Mormon families are sealed together by men who are not acting for God, but Satan.
Mormons go through marriage sealings that extend into heaven, although Jesus taught that there is no marriage in heaven.
There are four covenants made by people who enter Mormon temples. We will go through all four, starting with the first one, the Law of Sacrifice Covenant.
Be prepared to learn something about Mormonism that is very disturbing concerning their temples. This information is not something that the LDS church wants anyone to know about.
Sola Scriptura means that the Bible is the only infallible rule for theology. We know the Bible to be inerrant.
Mormons like to overcomplicate what it means to be saved. Instead of believing that our faith alone in Jesus saves us.
There is a real lake of fire. The wicked are cast their after judgment is set, and are, therefore, tormented day and night.
Shining our lights for Jesus is not only being an example of the faith to non-believers, but also allowing the Lord to open our mouths.
Naver presume that you are speaking for God unless you are for sure on this matter. Otherwise, you may just be a false prophet.
Isn’t it a good thing that Jesus is our authority and not men? Out of His own mouth, the Lord, our God, warned us about false prophets.
Angels and Jesus are a lot alike, except for Jesus being God. They can both transform their bodies and simply appear in a room if they want to.
Mormonism differs with Christianity in so many ways. They even disagree with core Christian doctrines.
Those who do proxy work for dead people are doing the works of Satan. He is thrilled with this type of work. God’s wrath is upon them.
Here is what the Mormon missionaries are doing. They are taking Christians off the path to God and into a cult that cannot save them.
The first mention of the word “Church” comes from Jesus. He mentioned how it would be formed after the Holy Spirit comes.
The church would begin at a future event. This was the day the Holy Spirit was poured out on the day of Pentecost.
Jesus was born of a virgin, who is called Mary. Not a woman that already had sex with the Father, as Mormons teach. This is so blasphemous.