Mormons Lead People Out Of Christ’s Church

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“And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” (Matthew 16:16-18)

Jesus declared that His church will never fail, but don’t tell this to the Mormon people. They will just laugh and scoff at you while telling you that only their church is true. How only they hold the priesthood, or proper authority. This is the devil speaking, for he came to break up the original church and start his own. Lucifer is using the false prophets in Mormonism to corrupt people’s minds into believing in so-called modern day revelations. These same people have it coming to them at Jesus’s second coming. Because they teach a false Christ, His wrath is upon them. This is the false Jesus that Mormons make up. He is the brother of Lucifer, the son of a Father with a body. He became a God like His Father. This is all blasphemy, and they will all be judged accordingly. For them to say God’s church came into apostasy is fulfilling the devil’s own wishes. It is so sad to see people turn from Jesus and into a cult that does not save. Every false teacher is at fault and will be judged accordingly. If only they had a heart to listen to God and his truth in the Bible they would come out of their cult and to Jesus for salvation. Instead they only wish to spew their false teachings.

False teachers in Mormonism need to stop with their lies, before their time is up. Judgment is upon the Mormons if they like it or not. Now let me bear witness of God’s truth. I bear witness that Joseph Smith was a false prophet sent from Satan. That the Book of Mormon is not of God, but of the devil. I bear witness that the 11 witnesses to the Book of Mormon were fake reviews by friends. They never saw the plates. Jesus will destroy every Mormon temple and church at His coming. People of all nations will be so fearful at the sight. What I just said is true and comes from God. You may not like what I say, but people need to wake up now or go to hell come death. They are currently unsaved. Sending out missionaries is not doing the Lord’s bidding, but Satan’s. They are drawing people out of the true church of Jesus and into a cult. If only they knew that Jesus’s church has never failed, then they would stop trying to lead people away from it. Therefore, I call these false witnesses to repentance, along with every Mormon member. I’ve seen enough and God’s wrath is upon them. Only Jesus saves, and not religion. Come to Him today if you have not already. Amen.

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This content will help Mormons know the truth of God and surrender their lives to Jesus.

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2 thoughts on “Mormons Lead People Out Of Christ’s Church”

  1. There is no evidence whatsoever that there was a great apostasy. There was no need for a restoration. The Church never disappeared from the earth. Even during times of intense persecution there has always been a remnant of true believers. In the early history of our nation we had the First Great Awakening which had great influence on our Founding documents. During JS time there was the Second Great Awakening. That event sent missionaries around the globe. The Church was alive and well during JS time. There was no need of a restoration.

  2. The great apostasy IS the Mormon church. They just don’t see it because Satan has caused a great delusion. They will see this if they truly study the Bible! Jesus is the church. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.


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