Mormons Are Unsaved: False Atonement
A big reason why Mormons are unsaved is because of their beliefs in a false atonement. This one belief is damning them to hell.
A big reason why Mormons are unsaved is because of their beliefs in a false atonement. This one belief is damning them to hell.
There is NO second chances after death. NO exaltation to Godhood. And NO marriage in heaven. So NO need for Mormon temples.
Before you get the Mormon discussions, let me help you understand how these beliefs are false according to the Bible.
To every Mormon. Please stop baptizing people into a cult. God does not approve. Repent and come to the true Jesus of the Bible.
Here is the sad truth when it comes to Mormonism in the afterlife. Not only does God send Mormons to hell, but they will learn the following.
Mormon Teachings are in opposition with the Bible Teachings. This is obvious when we see the teachings side by side.
During the initiatory session in the Mormon temples, they anoint different parts of a person’s body as proxy for a dead person.
We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God.
We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, Repentance; third, baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; fourth, Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Angels and Jesus are a lot alike, except for Jesus being God. They can both transform their bodies and simply appear in a room if they want to.
Mormons believe that God’s one true church is with them and not in churches of Christianity. This is what the devil would want people to think.
Mormonism differs with Christianity in so many ways. They even disagree with core Christian doctrines.
Baptisms and other works for the dead are simply heresy. This is easily seen just by reading from the Book of Revelation.
The truth is, Jesus died for our sins, is the last high priest, leads His church on earth, and is the greater tabernacle.
Mormons are in conflict when it comes to worshiping Jesus. Depending upon the person you ask you will get different answers.
Jesus is our better tabernacle. The Messiah and Savior to come. He came and died for our sins, taking away the need for earthly tabernacles.
What do men and women do during their endowment sessions in the Mormon temples? They put on Lucifer’s priesthoods.
There is no more priesthood given to man, for Jesus is our high priest. He is the only one who holds the priesthood.
There is no more need for the laws of Moses or the looking to a prophet for answers, for Jesus is among us now through the Holy Spirit.
God does not speak to His people through prophets like in times past. What will Mormons do with this knowledge?
We all have a Father in heaven. However, He does not count us all as His children. This comes through faith in Jesus.
Jesus’s name is not required in God’s church. Read God’s Word and see names like “Church Of the Firstborn” and others.
Jesus sacrificed His life for us on the cross. Through His atonement, we can be forgiven and saved through His blood.
Melchizedek is more than just a man. He is the prince of peace and has no beginning of days nor end of days.
We were once spoken to through prophets, but then Jesus came and we are now spoken to through Him.
God is willing to save anyone, especially people who are trapped in cults. Jesus is the way out. There is no other way.
Only Jesus saves, not religion. The Bible is God’s Word. I am so grateful that the Lord saved a wretch like me.
Do people give praise to God or give praise to men? And should this even be a question in our minds? Absolutely not.
The verses in the New Testament teach us to follow Jesus, not prophets. True Christians know this as God’s truth.
Nobody is ordained to the priesthood in Christ’s church. Jesus is our high priest and we are under His authority.