The Ten Commandments: #1
There is only one true God in the heavens. Believing in and/or worshipping other gods is idolatry, which God hates.
Seek the Lord and You shall find what God desires for your life. Then dive into the counsel you receive.
God guided our walk to talk with two young women at the Provo Temple. The discussions from the Holy Spirit and were amazing.
The God I know would not add to His words, the Bible. He would also not have another book that contradicts the Bible in so many ways.
One gentlemen stood there listening to the preaching, so I approached him. I asked if he was a follower of Jesus. His response was that he was Mormon.
As the night went on, I was able to hand out a devotional card on Jesus to one lady who openly took one. Her words were, “I love Jesus, thank you for the card”.