"For so hath the Lord commanded us, saying, I have set thee to be a light of the Gentiles, that thou shouldest be for salvation unto the ends of the earth." (Acts 13:47)

Utah Mission Trip (04/05/22)
As Christians, we keep to the chosen books of the Bible and have been teaching from them for the last two thousand years ...

Utah Mission Trip (04/04/22)
Through Jesus's death on the cross, atonement was made for us. Adding Gethsemane is a false gospel and takes away from the cross ...

Utah Mission Trip (04/03/22)
Jesus died for our sins and later rose from the grave. Not that Jesus paid for any sins in Gethsemane, as this is a false gospel ...

Utah Mission Trip (04/02/22)
There is no need for temples since Jesus is our tabernacle. Same with priesthood, since Jesus is our last high priest ...

Utah Mission Trip (04/01/22)
The Father is Spirit and an invisible God. We ought to worship Him in Spirit. He consists with the Son, and Spriit in one God ...

Utah Mission Trip (10/04/21)
Even when things don't go as you've planned it, keep trusting in God and it will go exactly how God planned it ...

Utah Mission Trip (10/03/21)
Make time for God each day and fulfill His desires for your life. Not just one day a week, but a life lived for Jesus ...

Utah Mission Trip (10/02/21)
The moment our hearts are open to telling people about Jesus, God is able to speak through us ...

Utah Mission Trip (10/01/21)
Living for God allows you to open your mouth and have Him fill it. We are used mightily for God in this way ...

Utah Mission Trip (09/30/21)
Seek the Lord and You shall find what God desires for your life. Then dive into the counsel you receive ...

Mission Trip: October 2021
During the days of the mission trip are September 30th till October 5th, I'll be in Utah. The mission trip will officially begin on Friday morning, October ...

Utah Mission Trip (April 2021)
I give God praise and all the glory for this most wonderful mission trip to Utah. So many people heard the gospel and turned to Jesus ...

Utah Mission Trip (04/06/21)
When we go out in faith for Christ, this is when He also does a work in us like no other. Open your mouth and He will ...

Utah Mission Trip (04/05/21)
Time with God in His Word cannot be replaced. His wisdom for us is incomparable. I love the Bible. That is why I preach ...

Utah Mission Trip (04/04/21)
Preaching the good news of the cross and resurrection, even door to door. There was so much fruit, all thanks to God ...

Utah Mission Trip (04/03/21)
If people would be more open to share the gospel message with people, the Lord would use them for His glory ...
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