
Utah Mission Trip (04/03/22)

Today started a lot like the day before. The same street preachers were with us and many people were reached with the true gospel of the Bible. That Jesus died for our sins and later rose from the grave. Not that Jesus paid for any sins in Gethsemane, as this is a false gospel that Mormons teach. We preached this as people passed us near the conference center. We taught on this and many other things, including passing out tracts when a Mormon apologist approached me. His name is Robert. I helped him understand the trinity. How there is only one God, no more need for temples, and how baptisms for the dead goes against the scriptures in Revelation 21. There is a true lake of fire as John wrote, “death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death”. (Revelation 20:14) To say that people can escape this place goes against God’s Word. This conversation lasted a little over an hour. He also filmed it on his go-pro. I was unafraid of his evil tactics, for the Holy Spirit was speaking through me. He is a friend of a different Robert, whom is interested in doing a debate with me. I spoke to another Mormon apologist also, but his back started hurting so he left around 30 minutes of talking with him. The things we spoke about really had him thinking, as he could not defend his false beliefs.

Later on, four teens approached me. They were very deceived, as they believed that we can sin all we want to in this life, and in the next life we get a second chance to be saved. That this happens through baptism for the dead. They don’t believe in hell or the lake of fire, even though Jesus spoke on hell more than anyone else. They were mocking me and God, even though I spoke against their false teachings with the Bible. There was a man dressed up as Satan and he came up to us as well, telling us that we were his puppets. That day, almost all of the “Mormon Teachings That Don’t Agree With The Bible” handouts were passed out, along with devotional cards, and tracts. Even Adam helped passed them out. Lastly, we talked with a man named Bruce. He came to us and we talked with him for 2 and a half hours. A wide range of topics were spoken on, including baptism, temples, the true gospel, the Book of Mormon (race, goodly parents verse, polygamy verse), polygamy, including Joseph Smith. He did not have the heart to learn the truth from the Bible and still didn’t want to leave us as we were leaving for the day. This was day was very fruitful. Wherever we went, there was someone in our path to share the gospel with. What a wonderful. I give God all the glory for everything. Amen.

Let us pray:
Lord, today we focused on helping people know what the true gospel is, how that You, Jesus, died for our sins, and then rose from the grave. Adding Gethsemane to the atonement that was made on the cross is very vile and wicked belief. It is sad to know that evil people are out there with the sole purpose to lead people to believe in another gospel. And that is what Mormons have done when they add Gethsemane to the atonement. I rebuke these Satanic teachings and ask these lost people who believe this to repent and get with You today. You let me talk with Robert, who is a Mormon apologist in Utah. We discussed the trinity and many other things and I truly believe there were seeds planted in his heart. I am also grateful for the teenagers I spoke with, whom believe people can sin all they want to and then receive a baptism for the dead and go to heaven. Truly, what Mormons are teaching is the lack of a fear of God and the desire to play God, instead of knowing that in death we will go where we deserver. How there is no way to escape hell or the lake of fire. Lord, false teachings are easy to see when studying the Bible. Thank You for preserving it, in order for us to teach from it. I love You, Lord. Amen.

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