Introduction (BOMC)
The Book of Mormon is placed in the courtroom of scrutiny, with the Bible as the source of truth. Each individual verse in the Book of Mormon is effectively put on trial ...
Chapter 1 (BOMC)
Baptism In The Church B.C. In the Book of Mormon, we see a copycat of Acts, chapter 2. This chapter comes from Mosiah 18, and it is very much like the verses we see on the day of Pentecost in the Bible. See for yourself, as we read different verses ...
Chapter 2 (BOMC)
Baptism Is Necessary For Salvation. The Jesus of the Book of Mormon said that baptism is required to go to heaven. It is written, “verily, verily, I say unto you, that this is my doctrine, and I bear record of it from the Father; and whoso believeth in me believeth in the Father also; ...
Chapter 3 (BOMC)
The Term Bible Was First Used B.C.. Those who have researched the word “Bible” would know that it was coined around 223 AD. This is when a collection of the Old and New Testament books came together. Since this time, Christians have trusted the Bible as the inspired Word of God ...
Chapter 4 (BOMC)
Blacks Are Cursed. A contradiction in the Book of Mormon when compared to the Bible, comes from 2 Nephi, chapter 5. Reading the following verses will help you know how the God of Mormonism is racist. It is written, “wherefore, the word of the Lord was ...
Chapter 5 (BOMC)
Christians Were In The Church B.C.. In the Old Testament of the Bible, one would not find a single mention of the words "Church" or "Christian." This is because the church was not formed yet. During the times of the Old Covenant, the laws of Moses prevailed, where God's Tabernacle ...
Chapter 6 (BOMC)
Church Was Formed B.C.. In the Book of Mormon, it describes how churches were being established in the Old Testament timeline. However, this is different than what we see in Israel around the same time period. We do not see churches in the Old Testament but synagogues ...
Chapter 7 (BOMC)
Different Jesus. The Book of Mormon showcases a different Jesus by way of his teachings. If this is the real Jesus, He would not contradict what is said in the Biblical text. For example, this false Christ said the following. "And whoso believeth in me, and is baptized ...
Chapter 8 (BOMC)
The Father Is Spirit. In the Book of Mormon we learn that God is Spirit, not with flesh and bones, just like the Bible teaches. However, in the core teachings of Mormonism, the Father has a body of flesh and bones. He is like Jesus, having a glorified body. ...
Chapter 9 (BOMC)
Gentiles Are Not The Lost Sheep. In John, chapter 10, in the Bible, Jesus speaks of other sheep that are not part of Israel. He said, “and other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, ...
Chapter 10 (BOMC)
Giftings Of the Holy Spirit B.C.. “Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant. Ye know that ye were Gentiles, carried away unto these dumb idols, even as ye were led. Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the ...
Chapter 11 (BOMC)
God Is Unchangeable. Concerning the Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith said, “I told the brethren that the Book of Mormon was the most correct of any book on earth, and the keystone of our religion, and a man would get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts, ...
Chapter 12 (BOMC)
Jesus Atoned For Our Sins In The Garden. The Book of Mormon teaches that Jesus paid the price for our sins in the garden, not simply on the cross. This is a damnable heresy, while taking away the importance of the cross. Paul taught that if anyone comes teaching another gospel ...
Chapter 13 (BOMC)
Jesus's Blood Covers Sins Before His Birth. Without God leading a church, many things can creep in without people knowing it. False doctrines can be instituted as if they came from God. These times we live in are very dark, so we must be alert and willing to test all religious teachings ...
Chapter 14 (BOMC)
Jesus's Name In His Church's Name. Those who are LDS believe that Christ's church needs to have His name in it. Notice in the name of their church, Jesus’s name is in it. And so, they claim that they are Christ’s church. LDS missionaries say that they are doing God’s will because ...
Chapter 15 (BOMC)
Jesus's Name Used Before His Birth. Nearly every single chapter of the Book of Mormon is a contradiction of the Bible. 2 Nephi, chapter 26, is just one of those chapters. It's funny how bad these verses are when you consider the timeframe they were written in ...
Chapter 16 (BOMC)
Jesus Was Born In Jerusalem. Mormons insist that the Book of Mormon is correct about Jerusalem being the birthplace of Jesus. They say that Bethlehem is in Jerusalem, so they justify it. However, Bethlehem is south of Jerusalem, roughly 6.2 miles away. ...
Chapter 17 (BOMC)
The Lake Of Fire. If there is a smoking gun for the Book of Mormon being false, it comes from 2 Nephi, chapter 9. It reads, “and assuredly, as the Lord liveth, for the Lord God hath spoken it, and it is his eternal word, which cannot pass away, ...
Chapter 18 (BOMC)
Melchizedek Had A Father And Mother. Melchisedec is seen in Genesis when he visits with Abram. This is when he broke bread with him and they drink wine together. Abram even gave him a tenth of all he had to Melchisedec. But who is this man? ...
Chapter 19 (BOMC)
Oneness Theology. “And now Abinadi said unto them: I would that ye should understand that God himself shall come down among the children of men, and shall redeem his people. And because he dwelleth in flesh he shall be called the Son of God, ...
Chapter 20 (BOMC)
Only One God. The Book of Mormon teaches that there is only one true God in the heavens. How can this be when their church teaches that there are multiple Gods? See for yourself the contradiction in this book and their own doctrines ...
Chapter 21 (BOMC)
Only One True Church. And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock ...
Chapter 22 (BOMC)
Polygamy Is An Abomination. Mormons are known for polygamy in times past. For this reason, let’s see what their different books have to say about their actions. First off, Let's compare Jacob, chapter 2, from the Book of Mormon, with Doctrine and Covenants ...
Chapter 23 (BOMC)
Priests Called To Preach The Gospel. The order from God to the priests in the tabernacle was not to be taken lightly. This was pertaining to the animal sacrifices that would be performed on the altar. The priests who did this as God directed, He would sanctify ...
Chapter 24 (BOMC)
Priests Ordained From The Tribe Of Joseph. The Bible states that only the descendants of the tribe of Levi were made priests. These people served in the tabernacles of the old covenant. The Lord told Moses this while on Mount Sinai. It is written, “and the Lord spake unto Moses ...
Chapter 25 (BOMC)
Saved After All We Can Do. Christians believe that we are saved by grace alone, faith alone. This is also taught in the Book of Mormon. It is written, “that it is only in and through the grace of God that ye are saved.” (2 Nephi 10:24) This verse teaches that ...
Chapter 26 (BOMC)
A Son Of King Zedekiah Survived. The Book of Mormon states that a man named "Mulek" is the lone surviving son of King Zedekiah. However, after doing a simple word search for the man “Mulek” in all the Bible we find nothing. Even if he did exist ...
Chapter 27 (BOMC)
The Trinity. The Mormon Godhead makes up the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. They are each God, making up three Gods or Beings in total. This is odd to see since their own Book of Mormon teaches the opposite. You may be surprised ...
Chapter 28 (BOMC)
Worship Jesus. As Christians, we worship Jesus. But what about the Mormon people, do they do the same? If not, then why? They are called to worship Jesus in the Book of Mormon, although their church leaders would disagree ...
Chapter 29 (BOMC)
Book Of Mormon: Examining 5 Things. The Book of Mormon (BOM) is said to be the most correct book on earth, according to Mormons. For that reason, let us put it to the test to see if it complements or goes against the teachings of the Bible ...
Conclusion (BOMC)
I have addressed various contradictions in the Book of Mormon, but my intention was never to promote atheism. Rather, my goal was to emphasize the importance of coming to Jesus for salvation. The Bible is our foundation ...
Testimonial (BOMC)
I am the granddaughter of Latter-Day Saints who were married in the Salt Lake City Temple. I have friends who are LDS and are active in their ward and temple. I thought that their faith would meet the criteria laid out in God’s Word for salvation ...
Hope After Mormonism
Out of love and respect, I want you to know that it is necessary to leave what is false behind. There is hope for people who are willing to give up things for the sake of Jesus. God has a better path prepared for us in Christ Jesus ...
About The Author
It was the summer of 2012 that I started having doubts about the LDS Church. That summer, I was away from my family at a remote job in Nebraska ...
I am very grateful for the people who generously gave up their time in order to help proofread this book. The intricate process demanded attention and care, and their willingness to lend their expertise was a gift of pure benevolence ...