Book Of Mormon Contradiction: Mosiah 16:15
Mormons collectively will tell you that they believe in the Godhead. Where Jesus is God, the Father is God, and the Holy Spirit is God.
Mormons collectively will tell you that they believe in the Godhead. Where Jesus is God, the Father is God, and the Holy Spirit is God.
It is because of the Mormon temples that these lost people believe they will be exalted to Godhood.
The Trinity starts with Genesis, chapter 1. When the One True God said let us make man in our image.
God chose us for this trip, and we are simply his willing vessels to reach the lost for His sake.
Mormonism differs with Christianity in so many ways. They even disagree with core Christian doctrines.
False prophets are involved with adding and removing verses from the Bible. These people need to be exposed.
May the LORD God be praised. We don’t downplay God and His Name, but give Him all the praise and honor.
The Spirit of the LORD rested upon Jesus and He did the work of the Father. Therefore, the Father is Spirit.
If a person goes in and changes even one word or sentence in a chapter of the Bible, it changes the entire context.
When a person adds to the Bible it changes the entire story and slowly corrupts God’s Word until it is unrecognizable.
The devil has done a work through the Book of Mormon, which is to rename instances of LORD to Lord.
A thing that is common among false prophets is their willingness to change the Bible in order for it to conform to their false beliefs.
If someone ever changes the name of God from “LORD” to “Lord”, they are also desecrating His sacred Name.
God deserves the glory, not any person or anything. To say any different means that the Lord is not with you in your thoughts and beliefs.
The Bible is God’s Word. For someone to change what He has said in the Bible, this brings His wrath down upon them.
To even change one word in the Bible to fit one’s beliefs, this is so evil in the sight of God. These people are liars.
The translation of the Book of Mormon never happened. The Bible is copied into this book to make it sound biblical.
The purity of the written form of the Bible should never be tampered with lest we are called out by God as a liar and a false prophet.
A quality of false prophets are people who don’t care for God’s Words and therefore want to change them.
There is one thing that should make any Christian very upset, and that is to see people plagiarize the Bible.
What Joseph Smith did to the Book of Isaiah will always be remembered by God and His people as plagiarism.
The Book of Isaiah and other books of the Bible were plagiarized in the Book of Mormon by way of Joseph Smith.
There is much confusion when portions of the Bible are changed by someone. These are the fruits of a false prophet.
A common characteristic of a false prophet is their desire to not only twist God’s Words in the bible but also change the actual verses.
If any person adds to or removes any verse from the Bible, they are made a liar in the Lord, our God’s sight.
We are not to take from the Bible and make it our own. This is doing Satan’s will, which makes Him so happy.
The God of the heavens is the first and the last. He has always been and will be God. He knows of no other Gods.
There is only one God. If anyone tells you differently then they do not understand the Bible and are unsaved.
The Trinity is taught in the Bible. This being that the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, are three persons in one God.
There is one God that is from everlasting and never changes. They consist of the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit.