An Ex-Mormon Informant
On this channel, I cut through the falsehoods and whitewashed narratives of the LDS Church, presenting verifiable facts so viewers can make truly informed decisions.
On this channel, I cut through the falsehoods and whitewashed narratives of the LDS Church, presenting verifiable facts so viewers can make truly informed decisions.
Interviewing Mormons and Exmormons. Helping people know what it is like after leaving Mormons behind.
Jesus for Mormons is a faithful alternative to a Mormon Faith Crisis! Join Kai Van Leuven and Di Beals as we talk about Kai’s personal journey leaving the Mormon Church and transition into Mainstream Christianity!
For years, Mormons like Jake, Christin, Braden, and Janae have been told by their church leaders to ignore uncomfortable and conflicting questions about historical, social, or spiritual issues in their church.
Let’s talk about The Book of Mormon. The Book of Mormon is a made up fantasy book, and here is my evidence. Brew up your devil’s bean juice and let’s have a chat.