Rebuking False Teachers

False teachers need to be called out, in order to lead them and others to Jesus. Only He can open their eyes and save them.

Another Gospel

Because of the subtle craftiness of men, people have perverted the true gospel message and led millions of people astray.

False Apostles In Mormonism

Be not deceived into following false apostles and prophets. They come bearing another gospel, which is leading people astray.


There is only one God in the heavens and earth. All other gods are false, which leads to idolatry and a falling away from God.

The Preaching Of The Cross

As believers, the preaching of the cross is the power of God displayed on earth. Jesus paid the final penalty for our sins.

Utah Mission Trip (April 2021)

I give God praise and all the glory for this most wonderful mission trip to Utah. So many people heard the gospel and turned to Jesus.

Utah Mission Trip (04/06/21)

When we go out in faith for Christ, this is when He also does a work in us like no other. Open your mouth and He will fill it.

Utah Mission Trip (04/05/21)

Time with God in His Word cannot be replaced. His wisdom for us is incomparable. I love the Bible. That is why I preach.

Utah Mission Trip (04/04/21)

Preaching the good news of the cross and resurrection, even door to door. There was so much fruit, all thanks to God.

Utah Mission Trip (04/02/21)

God’s harvest is plentiful, but there are so few workers to reach everyone. Who will join me in reaching the lost?

Hope After Mormonism

There is hope after Mormonism. After a person leaves that faith behind, there is a much better path ahead of them in Christ Jesus.

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