
Reasons Not To Trust The Book Of Mormon

There is no evidence for the Book of Mormon or anything that takes place in it. Cities and their names have never been found, and people’s names have never been found on graven stone.

False Beliefs In Mormonism

Mormon Teachings are in opposition with the Bible Teachings. This is obvious when we see the teachings side by side.

Mormonism Is Run By Satan

Mormonism is led by Satan, of which he has called false prophets to deceive people. It started with Joseph Smith, a con man.

Utah Mission Trip (04/01/23)

The blind are leading the blind in the Mormon Church. We want to reach them, but their hearts are closed off to the truth.

Apostate Mormons And Scare Tactics

Mormons use scare tactics to keep people from leaving their cult. They use phrases like “sons of perdition” and apostates for people who do.

Different Jesus in Mormonism

The gospel message is that Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and then rose from the grave. It does not include Gethsemene.

False Versus True Gospel

It is important to know the truths of the gospel message in order to not believe in a false gospel unknowingly.

False Apostles In Mormonism

Be not deceived into following false apostles and prophets. They come bearing another gospel, which is leading people astray.

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