Thank You

I am grateful you helped me know what I grew up believing was wrong. I was forced to join the lds church through baptism when I was only 8. I spent nearly 25 years doing what they asked me without questions. I was angry when I first saw your website, nearly 6 weeks ago now, but as I searched it to prove you wrong, I only felt more and more that you were right. I’m sick knowing that my love of God was misdirected. Over the last month I’ve come to repentance but because of the evil of the church, my family has turned their back on me. I’ve been uninvited to my own nieces wedding because I won’t stop preaching truth. I know you do ministry visits to Utah, I was hoping you did ministry visits to Idaho, or Cardston Canada. There’s large number of disaffected members who need to hear your words.

God bless you and all you have done.

A Message From The Founder: I give God thanks for this awesome review. Reviews like this motivates me to continue to write on the topic of Mormonism, in order to lead people to Christ. I am truly blessed to know that people are coming to know and follow Jesus because of what they are reading, listening to, and watching. This is amazing to hear and I pray that many more people find out about "Christianity Vs Mormonism". Always remember that only Jesus saves, not religion. God bless you. -Paul Gee   Submit Your Website Review Today!

August 11, 2023
by  Freddric
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