"For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light." (2 Corinthians 11:13,14)
Book Of Mormon Contradicts The Bible
1Baptism In The Church B.C.
Book of Mormon: Baptism in the church before Jesus's birth; Mormonism: Baptism in the church before Jesus's birth; Bible: Baptisms in the church when Jesus came on the scene.
2Baptism Is Necessary For Salvation
Book of Mormon: Baptism is necessary for salvation; Mormonism: Baptism is necessary for salvation; Bible: We are saved through faith alone in Jesus.
3The Term Bible Was First Used B.C.
Book of Mormon: The term Bible was first used B.C.; Mormonism: The term Bible was first used B.C.; Bible: The Term Bible began in 360 A.D with the Canon.
4Christians Were In The Church B.C.
Book of Mormon: Christians were in the church B.C; Mormonism: Christians were in the church B.C; Bible: Christians were in the New Covenant Church
5Church Was Formed B.C.
Book of Mormon: Christ's Church was formed B.C.; Mormonism: Christ's Church was formed B.C; Bible: Christ's Church was formed around 33 A.D during the day of pentecost
6Different Jesus
Book of Mormon: Damned without baptism. Gentiles are not the lost sheep; Mormonism: Damned without baptism. Gentiles are not the lost sheep; Bible: Without faith in Jesus we are damned. Gentiles are the lost sheep.
7Gentiles Are Not The Lost Sheep
Book of Mormon: Gentiles are not the other sheep; Mormonism: Gentiles are not the other sheep; Bible: Gentiles are the other sheep.
8Giftings Of the Holy Spirit B.C.
Book of Mormon: Giftings Of the Holy Spirit B.C.; Mormonism: Giftings Of the Holy Spirit B.C.; Bible: Giftings Of the Holy Spirit After Jesus's Ascension
9Jesus Atoned For Our Sins In The Garden
Book of Mormon: Jesus atoned for our sins in the garden and the cross; Mormonism: Jesus atoned for our sins in the garden and the cross; Bible: Jesus atoned for our sins on the cross.
10Jesus's Blood Covers Sins Before His Birth
Book of Mormon: Jesus's atoning blood covered people before His birth; Mormonism: Jesus's atoning blood covered people before His birth; Bible: Jesus's blood covers us through the cross.
11Jesus's Name In His Church's Name
Book of Mormon: Jesus's name has to be in His church's name; Mormonism: Jesus's name has to be in His church's name; Bible: Jesus's name does not have to be in His church's name.
12Jesus's Name Used Before His Birth
Book of Mormon: Jesus's name was used before His birth; Mormonism: Jesus's name was used before His birth; Bible: Jesus's name was not known before His birth.
13Jesus Was Born In Jerusalem
Book of Mormon: Jesus was born in Jerusalem; Mormonism: Jesus was born in Bethlehem; Bible: Jesus was born in Bethlehem.
14Melchizedek Had A Father And Mother
Book of Mormon: Melchizedek had an earthly father and mother; Mormonism: Melchizedek had an earthly father and mother; Bible: Melchizedek had no earthly father and mother.
15Only One True Church
Book of Mormon: There is only one true church; Mormonism: Their church is the only true church; Bible: Jesus is the one true church and we are His members.
16Priests Called To Preach The Gospel
Book of Mormon: Priests were called to preach the gospel; Mormonism: Priests are called to administer in their church; Bible: Priests were called to administer in God's tabernacle.
17Priests Ordained From The Tribe Of Joseph
Book of Mormon: Priests Ordained From The Tribe Of Joseph; Mormonism: Priests Ordained From The Tribe Of Joseph and Levi; Bible: Priests Ordained From The Tribe Of Levi
18Saved After All We Can Do
Book of Mormon: By grace are we saved. & By grace are we saved, after all we can do; Mormonism: By grace are we saved, after all we can do; Bible: by grace are we saved through faith, not of works.
19A Son Of King Zedekiah Survived
Book of Mormon: A son of king Zedekiah survived; Mormonism: A son of king Zedekiah survived; Bible: All the sons of king Zedekiah were killed.
Book Of Mormon Contradicts Mormonism
1Blacks Are Cursed
Book of Mormon: People are cursed with black skin; Mormonism: God does not look upon the outward appearance, but the heart; Bible: God does not look upon the outward appearance, but the heart.
2The Father Is Spirit
Book of Mormon: The Father is Spirit; Mormonism: The Father has a body of flesh and bones; Bible: The Father is Spirit.
3God Is Unchangeable
Book of Mormon: God is unchangeable and has always been God; Mormonism: God is an exalted man. He wasn't always God; Bible: God is unchangeable and has always been God.
4The Lake Of Fire
Book of Mormon: The lake of fire equals never ending torment; Mormonism: The wicked can escape hell through baptisms for the dead; Bible: The lake of fire equals never ending torment.
5Oneness Theology
Book of Mormon: Oneness Theology: Jesus is the Father; Mormonism: Godhead. Three distinct Gods/Beings; Bible: Trinity: The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are three persons in one God.
6Only One God
Book of Mormon: Only one God: Mormonism: Exaltation to Godhood. Many Gods; Bible: Only one God.
7Polygamy Is An Abomination
Book of Mormon: Polygamy is an abomination to God. Mormonism: Polygamy is justified in God's sight; Bible: Only one wife. Polygamy is wrong.
8The Trinity
Book of Mormon: Trinity: The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are three persons in one God; Mormonism: Godhead. Three distinct Gods/Beings; Bible: Trinity: The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are three persons in one God.
9Worship Jesus
Book of Mormon: Worship Jesus; Mormonism: Only worship the Father; Bible: Worship Jesus.
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Paul, I find this chart(because it doesn’t move) more helpful than the one that does.
If baptism started with John the Baptist, why were the people at the community of .Qumran baptizing before, during and afteChrist? Historical facts contradict you claims.
It’s funny that Paul is so eager to talk about contradictions involving Mormons when he runs away from anyone who mentions biblical contradictions.
What a coward.
To Joseph, The contradictions in the Bible have been reconciled. All you need to do is to go on line to find them.
Paul is the man!!
When it comes to exposing his old religion that he used to, Be a part of ( I think most of his life)
So he’s not like some anti mormon guy that never been in the church/ Temple
Basically, he’s not from the outside looking in, he’s from the inside, looking out
Well, I guess he was in the inside Because luckily and thankfully, he saw the light and the truth and the holy spirit shook him out of his trance and bestowed upon him a mission to help other fellow members that are either going through the same thing or in the process of making That transition, and most importantly to show Members of this church, there is just so much There that would suggest There’s just no way this could be true.I mean, if something is “True”
then you really can’t disprove or debunk it, right?
Anyways, paul.I thank you so much for Helping me on this journey
And i’m following in your footsteps, but i’m obviously taking a little different approach
But it’s not really how You get there
What matters is, i’m able to have a legitimate, very deep and thorough conversation.To some of the members i’ve befriended over the year i’ve been investigating this church
And just shoot it to them straight
Obviously they won’t accept it at first I know that because they are literally indoctrinated and programmed from birth, and then the gaslighting is constantly continued By having testimony meetings Talking to the bishop
Giving them roles or tasks or callings ( Make some feel special or important, nor do They don’t wanna let anyone down)
There’s a lot, but nevertheless I feel like one day we will be able to tell and share and expose the truth
Not just with speculation But like undeniable facts, which is something i’m currently working on piecing all together, everything, and it’s a lengthy, lengthly piece of work that i’m putting together,
Either way keep it up paul!
God Bless ya Bortha 🙏
The purpose of this page is to prove The Book of Mormon/The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints wrong by citing differences between the Bible and The Book of Mormon but this does not prove The Book of Mormon to be anything what it claims to be. The Book of Mormon claims there are truths removed or changed from the writings of the original authors. See 1st Nephi Chapter 13.