Necromancy In The Mormon Church
It is an abomination to call upon dead people. This is called necromancy, which God frowns upon and also condemns.
It is an abomination to call upon dead people. This is called necromancy, which God frowns upon and also condemns.
God has warned us against calling upon dead people. They are called mediums, and will have their part in the lake of fire if they don’t repent.
Just because a person slaps God’s name on a building, it doesn’t mean that God approves of anything that happens therein.
There is only one true God in the heavens. Believing in and/or worshipping other gods is idolatry, which God hates.
There is one God that is from everlasting and never changes. They consist of the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit.
We were once spoken to through prophets, but then Jesus came and we are now spoken to through Him.
Those who overcome the world and die in their faith in Christ are also called God’s sons and daughters.
We ought to rejoice just knowing that God has called us out of the world in order to be our Father.
We are adopted in as sons and daughters through faith in Jesus. Abraham’s promises are for us and the Jews.
Our faith in Jesus causes us to be separate from the people of this world. Then God calls us His people and His child.
Our faith in Jesus is what allows us to be led by the Holy Spirit. God then adopts us in as His child through our true faith in Christ.
We are not all children of God, but only those who put their trust in Jesus. Through faith in Jesus, our Lord, we are adopted in.
We are not all children of God. To say we are is a blatant lie. It is our faith in Jesus that makes us a child of our King.
Anybody who believes in or worships a so-called queen of heaven or heavenly mother are working iniquity in God’s sight.
The belief in the queen of heaven or heavenly mother is evil in God’s sight. This act of worship is an abomination to the Lord.
The belief in the Queen of Heaven or a Heavenly Mother is not of God and a false teaching that has been around for centuries.
Calling all Satanists, witches, atheists and those in false religions to come to Jesus. I don’t want you to go to hell.
It is important to die daily in the Lord. This means getting rid of things that are holding us back from serving Him completely.
Sola Scriptura is often put down by false teachers and members of false religions. Don’t fall for these lies.
Jesus is the creator of all things heaven and earth. That makes him our Lord and our God and not our brother.
One of the many false beliefs in Mormonism is that the Father has a body of flesh and bones like unto His Son, Jesus Christ. They even believe that the Father was once a Savior of His own planet before being exalted to Godhood. These
Exaltation through man is not of God. Only God knows who will be exalted in due time, not corrupt people in false religions.
What takes place in Mormon temples are from Satan. God does not dwell therein, but condemns these evil places.
Polygamy is not instituted by God, but by men. If people tell you the opposite then they don’t understand the Bible.
God is willing to save anyone, especially people who are trapped in cults. Jesus is the way out. There is no other way.
To make a nativity scene for anything or anyone but Jesus during the month of Christmas is blasphemy to God.
Only Jesus saves, not religion. The Bible is God’s Word. I am so grateful that the Lord saved a wretch like me.
Do people give praise to God or give praise to men? And should this even be a question in our minds? Absolutely not.
The verses in the New Testament teach us to follow Jesus, not prophets. True Christians know this as God’s truth.
There is an evil trend with Mormonism and Halloween. Mormons love this holiday. They are blinded to the darkness therein.
One day in heaven, God shall come and wipe away all tears from our eyes. There will be no more sorrow, nor death.