Joseph Smith: The God Of Mormonism
Joseph Smith declared that he would be god to the Mormon people. How people must pass through him to be allowed into heaven.
Joseph Smith declared that he would be god to the Mormon people. How people must pass through him to be allowed into heaven.
Examine yourself to know that you are in the faith of Jesus. This way you won’t be led astray by false prophets.
Joseph Smith claimed to have a revelation from the Lord concerning the Civil War in 1832. The details of this prophecy did not come to pass and is false.
When God calls you to a specific area to witness, go there promptly and with the Holy Spirit giving you words to speak.
Jesus said He is the, “I AM”, which is God. There are many that would disagree that have the spirit of the devil.
Preach from the Bible as the Holy Spriit gives you words to speak. Do this boldly and with clarity from God.
Beware! There are many snakes out there in Mormonism. People who have no desire to learn the truth of God, but to waste our time.
The percentage of who people actually go out and do what God puts on their heart is very low. The harvest is ripe but there are few laborers.
Joseph Smith had many false prophecies, one being the building of the Missouri temple n his time. He cannot be trusted.
Joseph Smith died after giving so many false prophecies, for example, the coming of Jesus in 1891. It is evident that God was not with him.
A very evil teaching in the Mormon church is patristical blessings. This is when men in their church pronounce false prophecies over people.
False witnesses hate what I am doing for God, in leading the lost to Jesus. They love smearing my name in the most vial fashion.
Real Christians do not support the LGBTQ Community or their rights. Churches that do this are not of God but are led by Satan himself.
The power of God in us is not the priesthood, but the Holy Spriit. Remember this. Don’t let cults like Mormonism lead you astray.
Satan has masqueraded this Book of Mormon to appear to be of God, in order to lure even the very elect of God astray.
For anyone to say that they have seen the Father in the flesh, they are simply lying. Nobody has experienced this.
One of the worst things for Mormons to deny is that the Father is Spirit, having no body. This is because Jesus taught this.
The teaching in Christianity that says there is no marriage in heaven for believers comes from Jesus’s own mouth.
What does the Bible teach about the cross? That Jesus died for our sins once and for all. No more sin offerings would be necessary.
No person has ever seen the Father in person and lived. Don’t let people fool you into believing their prophet has, unless it is a vision or dream.
A heresy in the Mormon Church is that Joseph Smith needs to let people into heaven and not Jesus. This makes Joseph their mediator.
Those who are unsaved will be cast into the lake of fire. This is when the smoke of their torment will ascend up forever.
We are called to be steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the works of the Lord. This is the life of a Christian.
God’s church is governed on earth and in heaven by way of the gifts of the Spirit, with Christ at the head.
It is blasphemy when people take the words of Jesus and say they are the sole source of the phrase and not Him.
There are over thirty chapters in the Bible that Joseph Smith copied and pasted into the Book of Mormon.
Because the Lord’s prayer is so sacred, we would not want anyone to change it. Any person that would is not for God.
If a book is known for its contradictions and plagiarism when it comes to the Bible, it must be thrown out at once.
To take verses from the Bible and make them our own is denying God and what He said. These people are false prophets.
Jesus will come and destroy the wicked. This includes those who are proud, which think they are above God’s laws.