Stick Of Judah And Stick of Ephraim: True Meaning November 6, 2023June 27, 2023 by Paul Gee The true meaning of the Stick of Judah and Stick of Ephraim is explained in great detail.
Stick Of Judah And Stick Of Joseph April 17, 2023 by Paul Gee The true meaning of the two sticks are two nations coming together under the rule of David, not the Bible and Book of Mormon.
Mormon Idolatry November 24, 2024January 18, 2023 by Paul Gee Mormons are idolaters and go to hell when they die. Believing yourself to become a god is idolatry, as there is only one God.
Mormons Exalt Themselves To Godhood October 17, 2022 by Paul Gee Mormons believe that people on earth can be exalted to Godhood, whereas Christians believe that there is only one God.
Mormonism False Teaching: Ezekiel 37:15-17 November 24, 2024June 23, 2022 by Paul Gee The stick of Judah was the southern kingdom and the stick of Joseph was the northern kingdom. God brought them together in one nation.
The Fall Of Lucifer November 28, 2023October 14, 2019 by Paul Gee God also spoke unto Isaiah regarding the fall of the person we know as the devil, from heaven and onto the earth.
Book Of Abraham Review: Part 3 December 7, 2024May 29, 2018 by Paul Gee The claim that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God needs to be investigated, especially what he supposedly translated.