Reasons Not To Read The Book Of Mormon
There are many reasons why people should not read the Book of Mormon. #1, it teaches a false atonement…
There are many reasons why people should not read the Book of Mormon. #1, it teaches a false atonement…
Mormon Teachings are in opposition with the Bible Teachings. This is obvious when we see the teachings side by side.
There is absolutely no racism with the God of the Bible. He is a respecter of all persons and looks upon the heart.
The God of Mormonism is racist, whereas the God of the Bible treats every person of every color and race the same.
God’s church has never been racist, therefore, any church that starts out this way is false in every way.
False gods bring in racism and other false teachings. Therefore, read the Bible and allow God to cast out every false belief.
What David did was very wrong. But for you to see the details for yourself, here it is from 1 Samuel 25, starting with verses 39.