Book Of Mormon Contradiction: Alma 11:26-29
There is only one God. If anyone tells you differently then they do not understand the Bible and are unsaved.
There is only one God. If anyone tells you differently then they do not understand the Bible and are unsaved.
The stick of Judah was the southern kingdom and the stick of Joseph was the northern kingdom. God brought them together in one nation.
David is a man after God’s own heart. He is currently in paradise with the rest of the saints. We will rest there also one day.
Atonement was made through Jesus’s death. Don’t listen to anyone that says it was made anywhere else but the cross.
We all have a Father in heaven. However, He does not count us all as His children. This comes through faith in Jesus.
Jesus sacrificed His life for us on the cross. Through His atonement, we can be forgiven and saved through His blood.
Every Mormon struggles with three different sins that keep them on the path of destruction. These are Pride, Idolatry, and Unbelief.
Mormons extol Joseph Smith, while Christians extol the Lord. They praise a dead man, while we praise Jesus, who is alive.
People have tried to justify polygamy through verses in the Bible. However, this always fails when God declares the truth.
Atonement offerings were always made through a sacrificial death. Frist animals and finally Jesus on the cross.
The importance of priests was to administer in the tabernacle. Those days ended with Jesus and Him setting up His church.
The truth is, the teaching of the trinity has been held for the last two thousand years. It is true and biblically sound also.
The Trinity is taught in the Bible. This being that the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, are three persons in one God.
Polygamy is not of God according to the Bible, although the God of Mormonism is confused on this matter.
The God of Mormonism is racist, whereas the God of the Bible treats every person of every color and race the same.
It is God’s will that all people were prophets. The gift of prophecy is for everyone, not just a single person or group of individuals.
In the old covenant people gave a certain percentage unto the Lord, whereas in the new covenant we give what God puts on our hearts.
It is an abomination to call upon dead people. This is called necromancy, which God frowns upon and also condemns.
God has warned us against calling upon dead people. They are called mediums, and will have their part in the lake of fire if they don’t repent.
As Christians, we keep to the chosen books of the Bible and have been teaching from them for the last two thousand years.
Just because a person slaps God’s name on a building, it doesn’t mean that God approves of anything that happens therein.
There is only one true God in the heavens. Believing in and/or worshipping other gods is idolatry, which God hates.
There is one God that is from everlasting and never changes. They consist of the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit.
We were once spoken to through prophets, but then Jesus came and we are now spoken to through Him.
Anybody who believes in or worships a so-called queen of heaven or heavenly mother are working iniquity in God’s sight.
The belief in the queen of heaven or heavenly mother is evil in God’s sight. This act of worship is an abomination to the Lord.
The belief in the Queen of Heaven or a Heavenly Mother is not of God and a false teaching that has been around for centuries.
Calling all Satanists, witches, atheists and those in false religions to come to Jesus. I don’t want you to go to hell.
Sola Scriptura is often put down by false teachers and members of false religions. Don’t fall for these lies.
Polygamy is not instituted by God, but by men. If people tell you the opposite then they don’t understand the Bible.