False Beliefs In Mormonism

Mormon Teachings are in opposition with the Bible Teachings. This is obvious when we see the teachings side by side.

Mormonism Is Run By Satan

Mormonism is led by Satan, of which he has called false prophets to deceive people. It started with Joseph Smith, a con man.

What Are Mormons Thinking?

Here is what the Mormon missionaries are doing. They are taking Christians off the path to God and into a cult that cannot save them.

Mormon Salvation Issues

If you are a Christian and know your Bible, you will notice the majority of Mormon teachings are not Biblical but man made teachings.

Mormon God Of Confusion

What Mormon missionaries talk about is not what Christians believe in or have kept to be true for the many years of their lives.

The Role Of A Deacon

Every calling in Christ Church is all specified in detail in the Bible. Therefore, study God’s Word, in order to know His will.

No Marriage In Heaven

The Mormon Church teaches that people can be married for time and all eternity. Meaning their marriage will continue after this life.

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