Book Of Mormon Contradiction: 2 Nephi 25:29 – Part 2
Every knee will have to bow down to Jesus if they have not already in this life. True Christians already worship Him.
Every knee will have to bow down to Jesus if they have not already in this life. True Christians already worship Him.
The truth is, the teaching of the trinity has been held for the last two thousand years. It is true and biblically sound also.
The Trinity is taught in the Bible. This being that the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, are three persons in one God.
Polygamy is not of God according to the Bible, although the God of Mormonism is confused on this matter.
In death, there are no second chances of going to heaven. If a person goes to hell, they will also go to the lake of fire.
Before Jesus died for our sins an animal blood atonement was necessary when people sinned. He ended this on the cross.
The God of Mormonism is racist, whereas the God of the Bible treats every person of every color and race the same.
Jesus was born in and at Bethlehem. Saying that He was born at Jerusalem is a clear contradiction to the Bible.
Nobody is saved through their works, but through faith in Christ alone. Nobody can work their way to heaven.
Melchizedek is more than just a man. He is the prince of peace and has no beginning of days nor end of days.
Just because a person slaps God’s name on a building, it doesn’t mean that God approves of anything that happens therein.
There is one God that is from everlasting and never changes. They consist of the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit.
Sola Scriptura is often put down by false teachers and members of false religions. Don’t fall for these lies.
If anyone copies and pastes from the Bible into their own book and says it was original in their book, this is total plagiarism.
We must be careful not to believe in everything we hear in churches. Man-made beliefs are wicked and lead people away from God.
Since Jesus and the Father are both considered God, then to worship them both is good. It is good to worship the Father and Jesus, our Lord.
The Book of Mormon (BOM) is said to be the most correct book on earth, according to Mormons. For that reason, let us put it to the test.
The Bible teaches that the blood of Jesus is vital to our salvation. Our sins can be covered, because of the cross.
In the Bible, you will see that there are no references to the Name, Jesus, Christ or Jesus Christ, until Matthew 1:1.
The Book of Mormon claims that if we lived before the birth of Jesus, we can be forgiven by the blood of Jesus. This is contrary to the Bible.