Sorry Mormons, No Second Chances Come Death: Part 3
There is NO second chances after death. NO exaltation to Godhood. And NO marriage in heaven. So NO need for Mormon temples.
There is NO second chances after death. NO exaltation to Godhood. And NO marriage in heaven. So NO need for Mormon temples.
Before you get the Mormon discussions, let me help you understand how these beliefs are false according to the Bible.
Here is the sad truth when it comes to Mormonism in the afterlife. Not only does God send Mormons to hell, but they will learn the following.
During the initiatory session in the Mormon temples, they anoint different parts of a person’s body as proxy for a dead person.
Mormons believe that God’s one true church is with them and not in churches of Christianity. This is what the devil would want people to think.
Mormonism differs with Christianity in so many ways. They even disagree with core Christian doctrines.
The truth is, Jesus died for our sins, is the last high priest, leads His church on earth, and is the greater tabernacle.
Jesus is our better tabernacle. The Messiah and Savior to come. He came and died for our sins, taking away the need for earthly tabernacles.
Jesus sacrificed His life for us on the cross. Through His atonement, we can be forgiven and saved through His blood.
God is willing to save anyone, especially people who are trapped in cults. Jesus is the way out. There is no other way.
Only Jesus saves, not religion. The Bible is God’s Word. I am so grateful that the Lord saved a wretch like me.
There are no second chances after death. Our works are finished and will be used for or against us in judgment. Are you ready?
Did you know that there is a false religion out there called Mormonism that has this same molten sea or pool of water with twelve oxen all around it?
Here are three false scenarios on how to go to heaven. #1 There are many ways to heaven. #2 All people that have died can go to heaven. #3 Belief in Christ saves us, so no life change is necessary is so wrong.
Do not be deceived into following any teaching from a seducing spirit. Trust in God and read the Bible that you may not be led astray.
This is the time to make our lives right with the Lord. We must be familiar with what the Bible teaches or else we will be easily deceived by doctrines that resemble God’s Word.