False Beliefs In Mormonism
Mormon Teachings are in opposition with the Bible Teachings. This is obvious when we see the teachings side by side.
Mormon Teachings are in opposition with the Bible Teachings. This is obvious when we see the teachings side by side.
Jesus’s name is not required in God’s church. Read God’s Word and see names like “Church Of the Firstborn” and others.
God has always been for just one man and one wife in marriage. Polygamy has been justified by men, but not the Lord.
Every calling in Christ Church is all specified in detail in the Bible. Therefore, study God’s Word, in order to know His will.
In order to know the truth of Joseph Smith or expose him for what he really is, we will look at four things that stem from his practice of polygamy that easily proves that fact.
Jesus said, “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.”
Joseph Smith was the first prophet of Mormonism. Let us look at 5 things that he revealed to the world to see if they are on par with the Bible.
Do not be deceived into following any teaching from a seducing spirit. Trust in God and read the Bible that you may not be led astray.
Many false teachings can come into a church, when new “so-called” revelation begins to override what the Bible teaches.