Joseph Smith Married Other Men’s Wives

The following is a sampling of a few women that Joseph Smith married, although they were already married at the time. These are the those women that Joseph Smith had an affair with and then married unlawfully. It was in 1838 that he married Lucinda Harris, who was at the time married to George Harris. In October, 1841, this fornicator married Zina Jacobs, who at the time was married to Henry Jacobs. In January 17, 1842, he committed adultery once again with Mary Lightner and married her, who at the time was married to Adam Lightner. This continued with Joseph Smith marrying Sylvia Lyon in February 1842, who at the time was married to Windsor Lyon. The story continues with him taking innocent Marinda Hyde to himself in marriage in April 1842, who at the time was married to Orson Hyde. Lastly, he married Sarah Cleveland, Eliza Snow, and Elizabeth Durfee, who at the time was married to Jabez Durfee in June 1842. Never was Joseph Smith satisfied by the woman he was married to. Therefore, he took other people’s wives to be happy for a time.

Is this sinful when it comes to what Joseph Smith did in marrying other man’s wives? The answer is yes. We know this for a fact, for the Bible speaks against the crimes that Joseph Smith committed when it came to stealing other men’s wives. See the story of David and Bathsheba for one example. He did the same thing David did but much worse. It is written, “and the Lord sent Nathan unto David. And he came unto him, and said unto him, There were two men in one city; the one rich, and the other poor. The rich man had exceeding many flocks and herds: But the poor man had nothing, save one little ewe lamb, which he had bought and nourished up: and it grew up together with him, and with his children; it did eat of his own meat, and drank of his own cup, and lay in his bosom, and was unto him as a daughter. And there came a traveller unto the rich man, and he spared to take of his own flock and of his own herd, to dress for the wayfaring man that was come unto him; but took the poor man’s lamb, and dressed it for the man that was come to him.” (2 Samuel 12:1-4)

So we learn about a person who steals a person’s pride and joy, which is their spouse. This is the sin that Nathan was addressing with David and notice how David responded after hearing the story of the Lamb that was stolen. It reads, “and David’s anger was greatly kindled against the man; and he said to Nathan, As the Lord liveth, the man that hath done this thing shall surely die: And he shall restore the lamb fourfold, because he did this thing, and because he had no pity. And Nathan said to David, Thou art the man. Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, I anointed thee king over Israel, and I delivered thee out of the hand of Saul; And I gave thee thy master’s house, and thy master’s wives into thy bosom, and gave thee the house of Israel and of Judah; and if that had been too little, I would moreover have given unto thee such and such things. Wherefore hast thou despised the commandment of the Lord, to do evil in his sight? thou hast killed Uriah the Hittite with the sword, and hast taken his wife to be thy wife, and hast slain him with the sword of the children of Ammon.” (2 Samuel 12:5-9)

So we learn that what David did by taking Bathsheba away from Uriah was a grievous sin in the sight of God. It was for this reason that David repented in that moment and was forgiven. The story continues and reads, “now therefore the sword shall never depart from thine house; because thou hast despised me, and hast taken the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be thy wife. Thus saith the Lord, Behold, I will raise up evil against thee out of thine own house, and I will take thy wives before thine eyes, and give them unto thy neighbour, and he shall lie with thy wives in the sight of this sun. For thou didst it secretly: but I will do this thing before all Israel, and before the sun. And David said unto Nathan, I have sinned against the Lord. And Nathan said unto David, The Lord also hath put away thy sin; thou shalt not die.” (2 Samuel 12:10-13) The truth of the matter is that David was forgiven as he stopped taking other men’s wives after this point. This is not the outcome with Joseph Smith. He kept taking other people’s wives and was never happy in the end, nor was sorrowful for his sins. Therefore, he died as an adulterer and a false prophet. This con-man is in hell. Amen.

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