
Utah Mission Trip (04/02/23)

“What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.” (1 Corinthians 6:19,20)

Today started like the day before. We went to the LDS Conference Sessions and talked to so many people about Jesus and the truth of God’s Word. How there are many false prophets, including Joseph Smith. It was at this time that we met a man named Chase. This man said that his experiences in the army, and recent events, caused him to believe in Mormonism. He said that he has had too many eye-opening encounters with God to disbelieve it. Even if what he believes is untrue and not of God, he will not go back on what he believes God showed him. We explained that Satan and his demonic forces can also mimic God, but he didn’t care to listen to that. We tried to help him understand how many of his beliefs were false, but he wasn’t interested in that either. Later on, we began preaching. I preached for about 2 hours as people came in out of the Conference Center. I called out the missionaries as workers of iniquity, and the Mormons as sinners and wicked. With a loud voice from on high I said, “sinner, sinner, sinner, wicked, wicked, wicked”, as I pointed to people going to and fro the conference center. I asked people why they praise Joseph Smith, who is dead. How he is suffering enough in hell, so why not leave him alone. Much more did I say and preach on. I spoke as the Holy Spirit came upon me, and many people listened.

Later on that day, we met up with Jim. He couldn’t stop talking about the Mormon temples, and how he loves them so much. What he didn’t realize is how Christians see them. How doing works for dead people is necromancy, of which is an abomination in God’s sight. How trying to save the dead and give them another chance is a doctrine of devils and false. We helped him understand that the Bible teaches that there are no second chances after death. Instead, there is a real hell and a lake of fire for the wicked after judgment is set. We must have talked with him about this and many other things for about an hour and a half. This man was very sincere in his desire to learn what God’s Word actually says. There was another gentleman that we talked to until around 6pm that night, before he had to leave. We had seen him and talked to him on many different occasions. However, this time he seemed more sincere than at other times. He actually believed more in what Christians believe in than Mormons, which he remembered from previous times with us. How the atonement is on the cross, and not the garden. As his questions came, we were ready and willing to answer them. That night we did a Bible study on Revelation 21. This was in regard to the millennium and the first resurrection. What a wonderful way to end this day. Amen.

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