God Loves Mormons

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2 thoughts on “God Loves Mormons”

  1. Wow! all of this content attacking the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints? Why? Please tell me you have better things to do with your time, than stuff like this!

  2. You are invited to come and worship with us as a guest of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.I have been called all sorts of names since being baptized , mostly by my former evangelical church members.I have been willing to pay the price and more, just as my spiritual ancestors suffered mobs and unspeakable horrors, being cast into the wilderness for their faith and testimony, in the early history of our faith.Could you cross the frozen Missisippi river with unholy and profane mobs in hot pursuit? What did my ancestors possess that made them willing to sacrifice all earthly treasure and comforts for the sake of Jesus Christ , and the Restored Gospel? Get off by yourself and think about this. I will testifythat only the Lord could have saved us from total extinction, it was quite evident that we were being protected and sheltered by the God of heaven, just as He had done for the camp of Israel as they fled Egypt.I am a former evangelical, and more like me are coming every year, we are growing at a rate of over 25,000 every 12 months.Come and see for yourself, as I have.!Yours in Christ Jesus, Dan.


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