False Beliefs In Mormonism

Mormon Teachings are in opposition with the Bible Teachings. This is obvious when we see the teachings side by side.

9th Article Of Faith In Mormonism Exposed

We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God.

Sola Scriptura

There is no more need for the laws of Moses or the looking to a prophet for answers, for Jesus is among us now through the Holy Spirit.

The Importance Of Prophesy

Prophesy is a gift from God that all the church should desire. It would be wonderful to see more people speak as they are led by the Holy Spirit.

False Prophets Have A Lying Spirit

God sends his servants to speak through Him, although we must be on our toes for many false prophets, like in Mormonism, are out in wolves clothing deceiving millions of people throughout the generations.

Follow Jesus And Not Prophets

Since Jesus is our mediator to the Father we can come to Him specifically in prayer, and no longer have to go through a man any longer for answers.

Rescued From The Mormon Church

Only through God can we be safe in this life. Through Him and His Words, in the Bible, we can know what is truth and be led safely on His path, that leads to heaven.

Utah Mission Trip (10/15/17)

After shaking hands with so many Mormons, we told them that we had a few questions about what was shared in class and they gladly answered them.

Utah Mission Trip (10/13/17)

By the public train, we split up and started sharing the gospel with those that would listen. There I met this wonderful man.

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