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Only Jesus Saves, Not Religion! "But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed." (Galatians 1:8) See Also: Daily Christian Devotionals
Books (Kindle, Paperback, Free)
  • "My life is dedicated to sharing the love of Jesus to the world. I love the Lord and want everyone to come to know God. I would feel awful if I kept His joy to myself. For this reason I write messages on Mormonism in order to lead these people to Christ. The Holy Spirit is leading me in these efforts." -Paul Gee
  • "My life is dedicated to sharing the love of Jesus to the world. I love the Lord and want everyone to come to know God. I would feel awful if I kept His joy to myself. For this reason I write messages on Mormonism in order to lead these people to Christ. The Holy Spirit is leading me in these efforts. Jesus is the anchor of my soul." -Paul Gee
Archive Messages Random Messages
Example Writings
  • Book Of Abraham Review: Part 1
  • Because Joseph Smith stated he translated different figures in a papyri, we need to know if it holds any water.
  • Book Of Abraham Review: Part 2
  • Joseph Smith acted as a prophet, so we really need to do some research to see if this translation is accurate or not.
  • Book Of Abraham Review: Part 3
  • To claim that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God needs to be investigated, especially a supposed ancient book.
  • Racism In The Mormon Church
  • God's church has never been racist, therefore, any organization that starts out this way is false in every way.
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