Great Content To Share

Great Content to share during this time of so many living souls awakening to the awful situation. Thank you for sharing the truth. I do know that I was deceived for decades within false religion. I still have so many family members within the ranks of the membership of our common worldwide church we grew up in. After my sister in law’s death just a year ago, I continued the path of seeking to find Truth. I became obsessed to know where she was. I became convicted of the knowledge and full awareness and understanding and belief in Hell. Biblical scripture converged with many near death experience stories of many going into the pit. Their stories highlighted my own spiritual experience that testified of the inevitability of Hell if we do not fully come unto the Jesus Christ of the Holy Bible, the Word of God. I realized I had this treasure, the Word of God, upon my shelf. It was a Mormon copy so I prayed over it, as I had become aware in 2020 that I could no longer attend due to too many inconsistencies and flat out lies within my formative religion, that went back to the pioneers in some family lines. Many events occurred to break my Mormon shelf and to be led one seed at a time from others’ testimony and the discovery of lies and deception through the enemy. I’ve been seeking local truthers (Jesus Christ is the Way Truth and Life) and I’ve been extremely impressed with your body of work to teach the Body of Christ how to help their loved ones and themselves exit from Mormonism. All praise and glory to Jesus Christ, even the Living God, our Creator, the Holy Spirit, that we can receive the indwelling of, being born-again, a new creature in Him. So grateful to be revitalized and to know the truth. Grateful that Paul Gee’s website can be shared and scoured for extensively effective info and so-valuable prayers to help us stay in the spiritual vs carnal, physical world.

A Message From The Founder: I give God thanks for this awesome review. Reviews like this motivates me to continue to write on the topic of Mormonism, in order to lead people to Christ. I am truly blessed to know that people are coming to know and follow Jesus because of what they are reading, listening to, and watching. This is amazing to hear and I pray that many more people find out about "Christianity Vs Mormonism". Always remember that only Jesus saves, not religion. God bless you. -Paul Gee   Submit Your Website Review Today!

November 8, 2024
by Ray Anders
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