Book Of Mormon Plagiarism

Author: Paul Gee

Introduction (BOMP)


Why are so many verses in the Book of Mormon taken from the King James Bible? For example, verses from the Book of Isaiah are found all throughout this book. One compelling argument for this viewpoint is that Lehi and his family left Jerusalem 100 years after Isaiah died. This is how they acquired his writings. It would make sense if the writings were on scrolls, but instead they are on plates of brass. The Isaiah Scrolls were discovered among the Dead Sea scrolls. According to the findings, people were writing on scrolls and not brass plates. So to say that the Book of Isaiah was written down on plates makes you wonder if Mormons ever heard of the Dead Sea scrolls. We have evidence that this book, and other old writings, were recorded on ancient scrolls. They were also stored in various types of jars for sake keeping. Therefore, it doesn't make sense to have the Book of Isaiah written on brass plates. And what about the golden plates for the Book of Mormon? If Bible authors wrote on plates, then where is the evidence? Have golden plates ever been found with writings from people of old? The answer is No.

The amount of plagiarism found in the Book of Mormon is startling. It includes 20 chapters from Isaiah, along with many other chapters and verses from the Bible. I'm talking about Bible passages written long after a group of people supposedly left Jerusalem to sail to America. For example, writings from Paul and John are found, even though they were not born yet. This includes writings from Jesus and before His birth. Those who read the Book of Mormon may not know that Bible chapters and verses are scattered throughout, but it is true nonetheless. Joseph Smith added a lot of content from the Bible to make the Book of Mormon sound more Biblical. You will see this as you read this book. I've included a reference guide with chapters and verses plagiarized from the Bible in the Book of Mormon. Along with this content, you will see the dates of the associated Bible and Book of Mormon verses. Use this book and the vast amount of information found therein to reach people in the Mormon church for Christ.

Here are some great examples of things you will discover while reading this book. You will find out that many books from Isaiah were copied in the King James style all throughout the Book of Mormon. But the problems are not just with Isaiah. Portions of Malachi, Matthew, John, 1 Corinthians, 1 John, and Revelation were all added to Joseph's book as fillers. How interesting that these people were separated from the people of Israel but somehow had their writings. Even writings from people like our Lord Jesus, Paul, and John before they were born. Here is one example. "But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord." (1 Corinthians 15:57,58; Around A.D.55) This is compared to "Therefore, I would that ye should be steadfast and immovable, always abounding in good works, that Christ, the Lord God Omnipotent, may seal you his, that you may be brought to heaven, that ye may have everlasting salvation and eternal life, through the wisdom, and power, and justice, and mercy of him who created all things, in heaven and in earth, who is God above all. Amen." (Mosiah 5:15; Around 124 B.C)

Plagiarized Chapters Of The Bible In The Book of Mormon and the associated dates…
Isaiah 2-14 (About 700–681 B.C.) Vs 2 Nephi 12-24 (About 559–545 B.C.)
Isaiah 48,49 (About 700–681 B.C.) Vs 1 Nephi 20,21 (About 588–570 B.C.)
Isaiah 50,51 (About 700–681 B.C.) Vs 2 Nephi 7,8 (About 559–545 B.C.)
Isaiah 53 (About 700–681 B.C.) Vs Mosiah 14 (About 124 B.C.)
Isaiah 54 (About 700–681 B.C.) Vs 3 Nephi 22 (About A.D. 34)
Matthew 5-7 (About A.D. 50–60) Vs 3 Nephi 12-14 (About A.D. 34)

Plagiarized Verses Of The Bible In The Book of Mormon and the associated dates…
Isaiah 52:7,11,12 (About 700–681 B.C.) Vs 3 Nephi 20:40-42 (About A.D. 34)
Malachi 4:1 (About 433–424 B.C.) Vs 1 Nephi 22:15 (About 588–570 B.C.)
Malachi 4:2 (About 433–424 B.C.) Vs 2 Nephi 25:13 (About 559–545 B.C.)
Malachi 4:2 (About 433–424 B.C.) Vs 2 Nephi 26:9 (About 559–545 B.C.)
Matthew 3:2,8-10 (About A.D. 50–60) Vs Alma 5:51,52 (About 83 B.C.)
Matthew 25:41 (About A.D. 50–60) Vs 2 Nephi 9:16 (About 559–545 B.C.)
Mark 16:15-18 (About A.D. 90) Vs Mormon 9:22-24 (About A.D. 401-421)
John 3:1-7 (About A.D. 80–90) Vs Mosiah 27:23-26 (About 124 B.C.)
John 5:26-29 (About A.D. 80–90) Vs Helaman 12:25,26 (About 124 B.C.)
1 Corinthians 12:4-10 (About A.D. 55) Vs Moroni 10:8-16 (About A.D. 421)
1 Corinthians 13:4-8 (About A.D. 55) Vs Moroni 7:45,46 (About A.D. 401–421)
1 Corinthians 15:57,58 (About A.D. 55) Vs Mosiah 5:15 (About 124 B.C.)
1 John 5:7 (About A.D. 90–95) Vs 3 Nephi 11:27, 35,36 (About A.D. 34)
Revelation 14:11 (About A.D. 94–96) Vs 2 Nephi 9:16 (About 559–545 B.C.)
Revelation 20:10 (About A.D. 94–96) Vs 2 Nephi 9:16 (About 559–545 B.C.)
Revelation 22:11 (About A.D. 94–96) Vs 2 Nephi 9:16 (About 559–545 B.C.)
Revelation 22:11 (About A.D. 94–96) Vs Mormon 9:14 (About A.D. 401–421)

The dates you see above come from the Bible Gateway website, and the chapter headings in the Book of Mormon. Please note that there are other references to the Bible in the Book of Mormon that I have not mentioned in this book. These instances may be added to a later version of this book. The information can also be found in a chart and separate posts on the website, Christianity Vs Mormonism ( This site and also my associated Christian website are described below. Check them out when you get a chance… (Christianity Vs Mormonism): Only Jesus Saves, Not Religion! Mormon resources can be found HERE. The Book of Mormon Contradictions, Plagiarism, Forbidden verses, and many other charts are available. Joseph Smith false prophesies, his wives, false beliefs in Mormonism and other resources are available. The content is free to access and has been available since 2016. (Daily Christian Devotionals): Growing Closer To Jesus Daily! Christian resources can be found HERE. There are thousands of messages, the Bible, Biblical truths, charts, videos, music, and more. The content is free to access and has been available since 2015.

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1 thought on “Introduction (BOMP)”

  1. “What a magnificent compilation! Congratulations to the author. Plagiarism is difficult to detect when it comes to something dating back to the early 19th century. Undoubtedly, the Book of Mormon is an interesting work, with notable teachings and passages, but it is a racist book judging by the verses before the [very opportune] substitutions made by the Church so that future generations would not know the original 1830 version. Now, we only need to question them – leadership, general authorities, bishops, and mission presidents – and they immediately show their true colors. It is highly likely that the doctrines, Book of Mormon, Abrahamic Tablet, Reformed Egyptian, Temple Ordinances, are all creative, but well-crafted, forgeries by Joseph Smith who not only forged and created an entire book based on plagiarism, but also invented ‘Reformed Egyptian.’ At the very least, a religion that hides and keeps us from knowing these things owes a great apology to the public, especially considering Mormonism’s involvement with Nazism through Genealogical Work. There is a lot of mea culpa to be done. Do you, the reader, find all this little? Consult a library, ask linguists and historians – stay away from WhatsApp – and you will see proven what many ex-Mormons (like me) already know very well. We, as readers and researchers, need to understand the foundation upon which we base our beliefs – or disbeliefs – in order to have information to decide, criticize, and expose the sources. The most celebrated Brazilian novelist, Machado de Assis, said that there are people who lie so repeatedly that they even synchronize their breath with each lie they tell… this is the case of Joseph Smith and the current General Authorities of the LDS Church who have endorsed the same lie for almost 200 years, opportunistically replacing verse after verse of the Book of Mormon with more ephemeral and less suspicious content. As we approach 2030, the bicentennial of the church-corporation, they don’t even know what to invent anymore to cover up the truth! Finally, it would be better to know the ground we stand on than to be carried away by illusions. Maturity is a factor NEVER found in adults who believe in a blonde, blue-eyed Jesus made in the USA. Thank you for your attention.”


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