
Joseph Smith: Adulterer, Bigamist, And Polygamist

How can Mormons believe in a man that claimed to be a prophet and also a bigamist? I am speaking of Joseph Smith, their founding prophet. If you haven’t heard of this crime, then it will be made known today. Here is the heinous act we will discuss. Speaking of Joseph Smith it is written, “following his marriage to Louisa Beaman and before he married other single women, Joseph Smith was sealed to a number of women who were already married. Neither these women nor Joseph explained much about these sealings, though several women said they were for eternity alone. Other women left no records, making it unknown whether their sealings were for time and eternity or were for eternity alone.” (Plural Marriage in Kirtland and Nauvoo) Being sealed for time and all eternity in marriage to other man’s wives, inside the walls of these wicked temples, is so evil. This is called adultery, polygamy, and bigamy. This makes this man an adulterer, polygamist, and bigamist. Does this sound like someone God is using for His kingdom? Absolutely not.

What is bigamy? Bigamy is the act of marrying another person’s wife that is still legally married to another. A person is guilty of bigamy if he or she intentionally marries another person when either person has a living spouse. Bigamy is a crime in many US states and can lead to incarceration in jail. God hates this type of sin. Marriage is a sacred act between a man and woman and for another person to interrupt this matrimony is very wicked and evil. Splitting up a marriage because of a person’s lust is adultery, which Joseph Smith was involved in. Every adulterer that is unrepentant will die and go to hell. “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8) So was Joseph Smith a prophet of God? No. He is a false prophet that needs to be exposed. God needs our help to lead more Mormons out of their cult and to the foot of Jesus for salvation. Amen.

Let us pray:
Oh Lord, wake up the Mormon people to their cultish leaders and false beliefs. I do not wish to know of millions of these people going to hell when they had a chance to repent and get right with You while in this life. Thank You for putting a burden on my heart and thousands of others to reach them before it is too late. God, take their heart of stone and open it wide to receive You today. I know that many Mormons are on the cusp of resigning, but because of family ties and other reasons, they continue to attend their cult no matter the consequences. To these people, I must ask them. Is it better to be comfortable in this life or be saved and go to heaven? As for me, I choose You, Jesus, and to be with You in heaven. I don’t care if my family separates themselves from me because of my beliefs in You. They’ve already done this before when I left Mormonism in 2012. Although my family gave me a hard time it did not phase me. I knew that living for You was more important than anything I once had in that cult. Lord, lighten my path. Help me to reach many Mormons for Your kingdom. I believe in You. I trust in You. I love You, God. Amen.

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