The Trinity Is Found In The Book Of Mormon
Christians know and believe that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are one God. And so we have three persons who make up one being, which is God.
Christians know and believe that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are one God. And so we have three persons who make up one being, which is God.
Mormons believe that people on earth can be exalted to Godhood, whereas Christians believe that there is only one God.
The true gospel message is that Jesus died for our sins on the cross, was buried, and then rose from the grave.
How can Mormons believe in a man that claimed to be a prophet and also a bigamist? I am speaking of Joseph Smith.
God does not speak to His people through prophets like in times past. What will Mormons do with this knowledge?
Joseph Smith declared that he would be god to the Mormon people. How people must pass through him to be allowed into heaven.
Examine yourself to know that you are in the faith of Jesus. This way you won’t be led astray by false prophets.
Joseph Smith claimed to have a revelation from the Lord concerning the Civil War in 1832. The details of this prophecy did not come to pass and is false.
When God calls you to a specific area to witness, go there promptly and with the Holy Spirit giving you words to speak.
Jesus said He is the, “I AM”, which is God. There are many that would disagree that have the spirit of the devil.
Preach from the Bible as the Holy Spriit gives you words to speak. Do this boldly and with clarity from God.
Beware! There are many snakes out there in Mormonism. People who have no desire to learn the truth of God, but to waste our time.