Joseph Smith False Prophecies: Government Overthrown November 24, 2024March 21, 2023 by Paul Gee We are warned against false prophets and false teachers who bring in damnable heresies. Destruction is in their path.
Joseph Smith Said He is Better Than Jesus February 7, 2023 by Paul Gee Who would be so bold as to say they are better than Jesus? Surely, a true believer in Him would never say this.
Joseph Smith Has Led Millions of People Astray May 9, 2022July 29, 2021 by Paul Gee One day in judgment, every Mormon will eventually find out that their religion was false. Then will they wish they listened to true Christians and, most importantly, God while in their lifetime.
Book Of Abraham Review: Part 3 March 15, 2025May 29, 2018 by Paul Gee The claim that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God needs to be investigated, especially what he supposedly translated.